SKELETON KEY Movie Song: Teo Tsagaris Feat

This is one of my favorite scary movies. Staged in New Orleans - where I spent most of my high school years. If you are in the mood for a scary movie with some depth, look for this title. After that, the Ghost ride on MMMM train won't be such a fright. Thanks for visiting and have a great week!

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  1. This song is perfect for October Halloween fun but I am a chicken and not sure I can handle the movie, my daughter on the other hand, would probably love it!

  2. cool - I love scary & New Orleans so will have to check this out. Thanks for popping by - best wishes for a wonderful week

  3. Definitely! I totally agree it's for Halloween time! Gave me the chills for sure. Thanks for sharing.... I think! lol

  4. This is such a pretty and haunting song! LOVE IT :)
    Thanks for sharing with everyone today.

    I hope you have a musical week ^.^

  5. You always bring new stuff to the table. I like it!

    Enjoy your week girl!


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